FREE 'HAVE A GO' Days/Sessions (Play Bike) Available at your local BMX club
There are 31 clubs around New Zealand that are open to new membership. The range from Whangarei in the North to Invercargill in the South. These clubs often run ' PLAY BIKE days/sessions' (have a go) so your entire family can come & give BMX a go. Below is a calendar of upcoming events.
BMX is for pedal & balance (strider) bikes, all ages & skill levels.
Anyone keen to give BMX a go should visit a local club, find one that is close to you, so that travelling to the Club is easy and you can use the benefits of membership. In addition to the PLAY BIKE sessions/days available, ALL BMX Clubs run regular club nights which also accommodate new riders/families to come along anytime.
As a beginner, talk to your local Club and ask what is needed and how to get started. Your local club will be the key place for all BMX information.
BMX Clubs do offer bike skill programmes/coaching eg. Kiwi Sprocket Rocket Programme
At the start any bike will do, and you can update your bike as you get more serious about the sport later. Some Club's may even have rental bikes, helmets and safety gear. This may allow you to try out the sport and get a feel for the experience.
BMXNZ allow three free club nights, as part of the beginners experience. To ride or race, it is your time to find out about the sport. After that you can sign up and be part of our community.
If your local BMX club is NOT listed below on the calendar, please double check on their facebook page or website for all updates including when their club nights are running!
Additional programmes are being delivered at clubs, please contact them direct for further information as some programmes require registration as limited availability.
CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BMX CLUB FOR MORE INFORMATION - Club nights also accommodate new riders & families
BMX New Zealand
PO Box 1073
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240